Body Massage using essential oils is a ladies only treatment that has many psychological and physical benefits to enhance a general state of well-being, from reducing stress, relieving muscle tension, improving circulation and promoting relaxation. Ideal for those experiencing emotional tension around hormonal changes it helps to soothe body and mind.
Using a blend of therapeutic massage techniques and essential oils, this massage releases areas of tension and the build-up of toxins in the body. As the nervous system is calmed and balanced, mental and emotional tension is eased. The treatment increases the oxygen and nutrient supply to the tissues by increasing blood circulation and also enhances lymphatic drainage – helping to reduce fluid retention.
​The power of scents is widely recognised for enhancing our mood and emotions and the use of essential oils can create a relaxing as well as energising experience. Essential oils enter the body via inhalation and the olfactory pathway to the brain but are also absorbed into the bloodstream via the therapeutic massage. Nerve endings in the skin, muscles and tissues are stimulated throughout the massage which triggers a range of physiological responses in the body.
The Treatment
I offer a back, neck and shoulders massage or a longer massage to also include face and scalp. Whilst the massage uses some of the techniques used in Swedish massage, movements are generally performed more gently and slowly to induce relaxation and have a soothing effect on sensory nerve endings.
I use beautiful pre-blended aromatherapy oils from Base Formula who specialise in premium grade essential oils and are members of the Aromatherapy Trade Council. Blends suit a range of emotional and physical needs - from Calming and Relaxing, Detox, Reviving and Uplifting.
Ladies only
Back, neck & shoulders - 40 minutes £40
Back, neck, shoulders, face & scalp - 50 minutes £50
Helps aid relaxation and reduces stress
Eases muscle tension and pain
Boosts the immune system
Improves sleep patterns
Improves circulation and digestion
Helps lift the mood and enhances mental well-being
Enhances lymphatic draining
Helps to restore balance in the body
Can help to increase energy levels as blockages and congestion in the nerves are eased.
Massage therapy is a popular form of holistic healing used to treat a variety of physical and mental conditions. However, there are certain situations where massage therapy may not be appropriate to ensure the safety of the client. Contraindication is a medical term that refers to a condition or factor that makes a certain treatment or procedure inadvisable. Please see more here and advise me prior to your appointment if you have any contraindications
Following your massage you may feel very tired. Listen to your body and rest. Occasionally you may experience any of the following reactions up to 24-48 hours after treatment which are linked to the toxins being expelled from the body as it rebalances and cleanses itself; headache, fatigue, dizziness or nausea, muscles may feel tired and achy, increased urge to use the toilet, increased thirst. After a treatment you should:​​
Avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours
Drink plenty of water to help elimination of toxins
Eat a light diet to assist the detoxification
Get plenty of rest
Avoid heat treatments (steam room, sauna etc) for at least 24 hours.
Avoid sun beds or the sun if citrus oils have been used
Do gentle breathing exercises to maintain calm