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Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word that translates as “wheel” or “turning”.  According to traditional Indian medicine the Chakras are ‘force’ or ‘energy’ centres believed to exist in the subtle body of humans, essentially within our aura. In essence the chakras are thought to work as energy vortices that regulate your body’s energy and the connection between your different ‘bodies’ (physical, spiritual, mental and energetic).

Chakras are responsive to actions as well as thoughts and can constantly change depending on what is happening to us and our environment.

Pink Moonstone Therapies - Chakras

There are 7 main Chakras which are the main energy centres of the body.  Beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving up to the top of the head the 7 major Chakras are believed to govern bodily functions near its region.  Starting with the Base or Root Chakra at the pelvis and moving upwards to the Sacral, then the Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow and Crown Chakra at the top of the head.   

Each Chakra is associated with nerve bundles, organs or glands in the particular area in which they’re located.  They also believed to resonate with a specific colour, emotion and element.

According to Eastern tradition and some Western approaches, Chakras need to stay balanced and be in sync to maintain health and the connection between mind and body.

When a Chakra is ‘open’ the energy is flowing freely within it and is deemed healthy and balanced as are the connected body parts.  If a Chakra is blocked or closed the energy can become sluggish and the connected body parts may suffer.

During a Reiki treatment the main hand positions correspond with the 7 major Chakras so that life force energy can be absorbed through these energy centres and be distributed to where it is needed most. Reiki can help ‘unblock’ the chakras to create better harmony between the physical body, mind and spirit.

Chakra 7 – Crown.  Thought

Just above top of head; colour: Violet.  Linked to spiritual, higher self, connection to the greater world

Chakra 6 – Third Eye. Light

Between eyebrows; colour: Indigo.  Linked to wisdom, vision, intuition, self-reflection

Chakra 5 – Throat. Sound

In centre of throat; colour: Blue.  Linked to communication, expression, creative identify


Chakra 4 – Heart. Air

In centre of chest; colour: Green (and pink). Linked to love, relationships, hope

Chakra 3 – Solar Plexus. Fire

A few cms above naval; colour: Yellow.  Linked to identify, confidence, courage, self-acceptance


Chakra 2 – Sacral. Water

A few cms below the naval; colour: Orange.  Linked to creativity, feelings, sexuality, emotional identity, orientate to self-gratification


Chakra 1 – Base/Root.  Earth

At base of spine/tailbone; colour Red.  Linked to grounding, survival security, physical identity

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